Can I Lubricate a Knife With Olive Oil?

Knives need lubrication periodically to stay useful and work properly. This is particularly true of folding knives, but kitchen knives can use some oil once in a while as well to keep them working at peak condition.

If you have knives in your kitchen that need oiled, you might be wondering what you can use to oil them.

You should always oil your knives with the right products to make sure that you will not damage them further. Knowing which products need to be used to oil a knife is an important part of caring for all of the knives that are in your possession.

If you are ready to learn about whether or not you can lubricate a knife with olive oil, read on!

Olive oil and olive twig on a table

Why Might Your Knife Need to be Oiled?

There are many reasons that your knife might need to be oiled. Kitchen knives can suffer from exposure to damaging elements just like knives that are used outdoors for tough jobs.

  • Acids

Acidic foods and substances can damage and pit the blade of your knife if they are not washed off properly.

Even tomatoes and onions can damage your knife blade and eventually cause it to become dull and damaged.

  • Moisture

This is a particular issue with folding knives, but all knives suffer when exposed to moisture consistently.

You should always make sure that you dry your knives thoroughly after each use to avoid this kind of damage.

  • Dishwasher

No knife should ever go into the dishwasher. This will damage and dull the blade faster than any other kind of rough treatment could.

You should never use this method of cleaning for any knife in your possession.

  • Humidity

If your knife block or knife drawer has been exposed to moisture or humidity from cooking processes, you could be steaming your knives in their storage location.

This can lead to rust on the blades as well as other problems related to exposure to heat and moisture for prolonged times.

Can I Lubricate a Knife With Olive Oil

You can lubricate a knife with many substances, and olive oil is one of them. No matter what kinds of oil you choose to work with, you need to make sure that it is a lightweight oil that is not going to attract a lot of dirt and debris to the knife blade.

Olive oil is a great oil for your knife because it feeds your knife and protects the blade from friction when it is cutting items or being slipped in and out of the knife block.

Your knife blade needs this kind of oiling process to stay sharp just as much as it needs to be treated with oil to remain free from rust and other surface damage.

Corn oil and knife oils as well as clove oil can also be used for this process. Many chefs and knife sharpeners have their recommendations for the job.

You just need to be sure that you do not use canola or corn oil or any other heavier oil that will tend to stay greasy for a long time.

How Often Should I Oil my Knife?

You should clean your knife carefully after each use. Make sure that you always remove acidic liquids and other contaminants from the knife before you store it or use it again.

This does not mean that you have to oil your knife every time that you clean it, however.

Oiling will usually only need to be done a few times a year but there are some exceptions to this rule. If you find rust spots or if you need to sharpen your knife again, you will need to oil it once you are done.

The oil will protect the blade from the drying out process that comes along with deep cleaning or remove surface grime and rust.

Any time that you need to sharpen your blade or treat it a bit rough to get rust and other surface damage scrubbed off, you will need to apply more oil to it.

You cannot skip oil at this stage if you want the knife to stay sharp and to remain free from blemishes and surface contaminants.

What Oils Should I Avoid Using?

As mentioned above, you should avoid using a very greasy oil. This can include corn and canola oil, as well as oils that are used for lubricating moving parts.

The right oils for your needs will be like Olive Oil in nature. You want to use a good-quality oil for this process no matter what kind of knife you are treating.

Food quality oils are always the best for this job because they will be light and non-greasy and they will not get rancid and start to cause issues with bacteria.

Skimping on the quality of the oil that you use on your knives is silly when Olive Oil is so cheap and knives are so expensive.

A good knife is an investment and you can make that investment last by using quality Olive Oil for your knife oiling needs.

Oiling Your Knife is Essential to Caring For It

Caring for your knives doesn’t have to be hard. You need to clean them after every use, avoid the dishwasher, and make sure that you sharpen them when they start to get dull.

Make sure that you store your knives properly and keep them out of heat and wet. Folding knives need to be dried and cleaned more often than kitchen knives in many cases, but both kinds of knives can be cared for in the same way.

Oiling your knife or knives is easy with quality Olive Oil on your side, and you will love being able to take care of your knives with this easy remedy.

Being able to sharpen and clean your knives more effectively and less frequently is possible when you properly oil your knives a few times a year at a minimum.

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