How to Sanitize Plastic Cutting Board

Cutting boards do tough jobs each time they are used. They are used for cutting meat and vegetables and many other things.

Plastic cutting boards are easier to sanitize than wooden cutting boards. You might still need some guidance about the best ways to do this process.

Cutting boards always need to be cleaned thoroughly after each use. If you have been skipping this step because you were not cutting meat on the cutting board, you might still be exposing the cutting board to germs. Make sure that you know how to clean your cutting board properly for food safety.

If you want to learn more about how to sanitize the plastic cutting board, read on!

Man cutting apples on a plastic cutting board with a knife

What Kinds of Plastic Cutting Board Are There?

There are various styles of plastic cutting boards. You might have a thin kind of cutting board that can bend and be stacked readily.

There are also thicker cutting board styles that are made of plastic. These boards hold up better to chopping with large knives than thinner boards do.

You can pick many different styles of plastic cutting boards for your needs. You might even have various styles in the kitchen for various cooking needs.

The thin plastic kind is really nice for dumping chopped items into pots on the stove or for storing. The thicker kind is more durable and less likely to slip around on the counter.

How to Sanitize Plastic Cutting Board

Follow this process every time you use your cutting board for any kind of cooking process.

Even if you are chopping vegetables or another item that is not thought of as unsanitary, you still need to sanitize your cutting board after each use.

1. Dishwasher

This can be the easiest way to wash your plastic cutting board. Dishwashers make sure that your plastic cutting board is sanitary.

However, the thin kind of plastic cutting board can be damaged slightly by the high heat in the dishwasher. This can lead to them staying bent or curved at all times instead of lying flat.

Make sure that you run your dishwasher on hot when you are washing cutting boards so that they are disinfected completely.

2. Use Hot Water With Soap

If you need to wash your cutting board by hand, make sure that you use very hot water and soap. You can use antibacterial dish soap if you want additional bacteria-fighting power in your cleaning process.

Make sure to soak the board in the hot water for about 2 minutes and then scrub with a scrubber or a sponge thoroughly.

Make sure to rinse off all the soap and let the cutting board dry thoroughly before storing it. Being stored wet can lead to bacterial growth both on the cutting board and in the cupboard or on the shelf it is being stored on.

3. Disinfecting Solution

If you are concerned about the use of soap and hot water every time that you clean your cutting board, you can disinfect with a disinfecting solution.

This might be a light mix of white vinegar and water or you can add baking soda to the mix as well.

Rub the solution on the cutting board and scrub in circles. Let the board rest for five minutes. Rinse under warm or hot water and allow the cutting board to dry completely before storing it again.

This can be a great way to do a doubly good job disinfecting a plastic cutting board that has gotten some imperfections in its surface that you think might be holding onto contaminants.

4. Natural Cleaning

If you want to use natural cleaning products to take care of your cutting board, you can make your home cleaner for this process.

The best mix is one cup of water, ½ cup white distilled vinegar, and 5-8 drops of lemon essential oil. Make sure that you use quality essential oil if you want to get the best results for your efforts.

Spray or pour some of this cleaning solution onto the cutting board and scrub in circles for about 2-3 minutes. Rinse under hot water and let the cutting board dry thoroughly. You should be sure that you let the board dry completely before you store it again.

5. Bleach Cleaning

This can be the only way to get rid of tough stains that have taken up residence on the surface of your cutting board. You might also be worried about meat bacteria on the cutting board.

To clean with bleach, you need to be absolutely certain that you use the right mix of bleach and other ingredients in your cleaning solution.

Mix up 1 tsp of bleach per quart of water. You will want to use a cloth or bristle brush to scrub the cutting board with the cleaning solution.

Be sure not to get any on your clothes or other kitchen items. Rinse the cutting board very thoroughly when you are done.

Smell test to make sure that the cutting board does not smell like bleach anymore before you put it away. Removing all the bleach from the surface of the board is very important for the safe use of the cutting board the next time that it is needed.

Cleaning Plastic Cutting Boards is Easy

Plastic cutting boards are some of the best kitchen tools you can buy due to the ease with which you can care for them.

There are not many other kitchen items that are as easy to clean and store. You can simply wash them in the dishwasher if you want, or you can use any of the other methods of cleaning on this list if you would prefer.

At the end of the day, few kitchen items are as durable and practical as a plastic cutting board.

Adding one to the tools in your kitchen will make your clean-up processes much easier and allow you to be free of the worry of germs contaminating your food.

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