Are Plastic Cutting Boards Heat Resistant?

Praised for being the best option to prevent food cross-contamination, plastic cutting boards are also heat resistant and can withstand a certain degree of heat. Putting hot plates on plastic cutting boards isn’t a problem if the plastic is made to resist heat.

The occasional cup of coffee or a plate of hot soup on your plastic cutting board won’t cause any damage, especially if the board is made of quality plastic like polypropylene. This thermoplastic polymer has a melting point of up to 320 degrees F!

Cookware doesn’t usually heat up to this temperature; however, if the pot or pan does reach a very high temperature and you put it onto your plastic cutting board directly without cooling it aside for a bit, it may ruin the texture and cause marks.

Inexpensive, easy to clean, and easy to use are only some of the excellent reasons why every kitchen deserves to have at least one plastic, cutting board!

Hand of multiracial person holding knife and cutting red tomato for salad on plastic cutting board

Are Plastic Cutting Boards Heat Resistant?

Quality plastic cutting boards, like ones made of polypropylene, have a high melting point of up to 320 degrees F.

With this in mind, plastic cutting boards are suitable for the occasional heated microwave meal as a pad or for a cup of warm tea.

With hot pots and pans right out of the oven, be careful. Make sure you cool them down a bit or use an actual heating pad instead of putting them directly onto the plastic board.

Otherwise, there’s a risk of the plastic texture getting ruined and forming marks.

What Are the Pros of Plastic Cutting Boards?

A plastic cutting board is among the more practical options. They’re great for preventing food cross-contamination and when you need to prep raw meat.

They’re sturdy and easy to store and they clean easily so they’re not too demanding like it’s the case with other options like wooden ones.

Here are the best reasons why you should invest in a plastic cutting board:

  • Budget-friendly

A plastic cutting board is inexpensive and great for people shopping on a budget. They’re practical, lightweight, and versatile.

  • Easy to store

Most of these boards are designed thin and don’t take too much space in your storage area.

You can put them in smaller cupboards or underneath other dishes without fearing they’ll get damaged or cause damage.

They’re therefore ideal for small kitchens.

  • Effortless cleaning

Dishwasher-safe kitchen utensils? -Yes, please!

Feel free to put them in the dishwasher without worrying about damage. High heat doesn’t warp or bend them.

Soaking is also no big deal with plastic cutting boards like it is with wooden ones. With this in mind, they’re one of the best options for people who prep a lot of raw meat.

As these boards aren’t porous, they won’t absorb unpleasant odors or juices or increase the risk of bacterial contamination.

What are the Cons of Plastic Cutting Boards?

Despite some awesome pros, plastic cutting boards have several disadvantages that should be considered. Here are some of them:

  • Not the most aesthetically pleasing

Nothing beats natural wood when it comes to aesthetics; however, more and more manufacturers are trying to add more design features to plastic cutting boards and make them more appealing.

If you prefer simplicity, a cutting board from plastic is great for your kitchen!

  • They’re harder on knives

A plastic cutting board is less gentle on knife blades than some other materials like wood.

However, it’s still a much safer option for knives than a glass or ceramic board. Experts agree that wood feels the best under the knife; however, considering they’re on the more expensive side and the fact that other options are even more harmful, a plastic one is a happy medium.

  • Lower durability

Wood tends to be more long-lasting than plastic and doesn’t need frequent replacement as it’s the case with plastic.

When frequently used, plastic boards eventually develop creaks that can’t be fixed and this means it’s time for the garbage can.

This isn’t cost-effective in the long run or good for the planet considering plastic pollution.

  • Not the easiest to maintain

Though putting your plastic cutting boards in the dishwasher seems like the best cleaning option, this may not thoroughly clean all the cuts and the board will become the perfect ground for breeding bacteria.

With this in mind, as the plastic board ages, more crevices will appear and you’ll need to sanitize it well by scrubbing it with hot soap and water and then using a chlorine-based sanitizer.

How to Care for Plastic Cutting Boards?

Plastic cutting boards are dishwasher-safe so they’re not very complex in terms of cleaning and maintenance. However, this is only in the beginning when there aren’t many cuts formed from the continuous use of blades.

When you notice more of these cracks, it’s pivotal to do more cleaning so that you ensure there’s no food cross-contamination and bacterial growth.

One beneficial method to remove stains and sanitize the plastic cutting boards is with salt, vinegar, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide.

Soak the board in a vinegar solution or spray it with hydrogen peroxide (3%). Leave it soaking for five minutes before you rinse it with water and soap.

Scrub the surface stains using a paste with one part water, one part salt, and one part baking soda.

Final Thoughts

Plastic cutting boards are heat resistant, as well as affordable, easy to clean, and not so hard on blades as glass or marble.

This cutting board is one of the best options for prepping raw meat due to its non-porous nature which doesn’t absorb any unpleasant smells or harbor bacteria.

However, the downside of these boards is that they’re less long-lasting and durable than some other materials such as wood. And, eventually, from all the knife usage, the blades will develop various cracks and depths which can become the ideal ground for bacteria.

In the long run, this may have a negative effect on the budget because you’ll have to replace it with a new one every few months.

This doesn’t benefit the environment considering plastic pollution.

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